Monday, February 19, 2007


Haha. I think it's safe to say that the first crisis of my life is OFFICIALLY OVER.

It's not been an easy journey. And I know it's been a path that's been trodden on by many before me, and one that will continue to be trodden on long after I'm gone. Who said growing up was easy?

But the pain, the trials, the hurt. Along the way I've questioned many many times just WHY did I have to go through it.

I carried a whole pack of bitterness and resentment for the past 6 months. Just letting it simmer underneath the surface. In refusing to deal with it, I actually stoked the flames. Inevitably it had to boil over. And it did, as I think all of you saw. In all the bitter rants, the discomfort, the lack of PEACE.

But tonight, I've made my peace.

I know now I'm where I'm supposed to be.

And that's more than enough for me (:

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