PSGM finale went alright. Didn't exactly go exactly the way I pictured it in planning, especially in the giving out the class titles bit, but overall I think it was a good job. Perhaps one regret that I'll carry with me is that I didn't manage to give my all into PSGM, taking a rather backseat role. But anyway its over, and with it the whole orientation programme.
I'll carry with me the memories. I'll take with me the lessons learnt. I'll go on and emerge stronger from this experience, I will.
Passion, pRIde, Power.
I find myself yearning for the days gone by. Haha I sound just like those old folks who keep on talking about those 'glory days', where 'everything was better in my time'. I used to dismiss it as sentimental reminiscing. In life however I take strength from the past. It's in the past that we can plan our future. And I shall remember the happiest times of my life. Where my life was changed by some very special people that are dear to my heart. Pure and simple bliss. Haha. Bliss. Don't you just like the sound of that word? It sounds nice and soothing in itself.
Tears return. But not those of frustration or anger or sadness. Tears of joy :)
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