Monday, July 02, 2007

Wow its already the 150th post on this blog, 150 posts in around half a year.

I think I blog too much.

My mood for the day was pretty fantastic until I received a piece of news ahhh shit I'm not going to let this get me down I won't I won't I won't. THIS IS NOT GOING TO SPOIL MY DAY.

The morning jog was nice, even though we didn't jog that much (:
Next time we'll finish running the 4.5km k? Hahaha.
Enjoyed the morning lots, which left me in a good mood for the rest of the day, meaning I was productive heh and got quite a fair bit of work done. I'm still in no condition to face school tmr but who cares.

I'm going to keep on telling myself I can do it and maybe after a while I'll actually believe it. It's disheartening to have the stuffing knocked out you just when you're feeling pretty good.

I'm bigger than this, y'hear?

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