Sunday, July 22, 2007

I've finished it, after around 5-6 hours of reading.

I think its a fitting ending to the amazing series, although it WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE NOT TO HAVE BEEN SPOILERED BEFORE HAND BY SOME _____.

It's an odd feeling, a mixture of elation and melancholy, because once you're done the inescapable feeling is that it's over, there won't be any more books, this is the end. The ending was handled well, although the book was very dark, much darker than even OOTP. Deaths abound; seriously, they're everywhere. I became abit worried after 400+ pages where nothing much seemed to be happening yet, but things really picked up speed and it was quite a ride till the final page. The epilogue was...a good way to end off, though IMO the last line wasn't really the best but to each his own. Summed up quite nicely.

And oh, most of the predictions before were actually quite accurate.

You need to get it. Now.

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