Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Hold On

It's been a really lousy two days.

Can't remember the last time I felt so...crushed. It's not something I'd like to go through again, but it's more than a bit naive to think that I'll never feel this way again. It's something I'll have to learn to cope and deal with, no matter how painful or impossible it may seem.

And nope, I'm not emo-ing. =/ I'm not in a 'the whole world's against me!' mood, just a rather sad one.

Wasn't helped by the fact that PSL camp today was a lecture lasting from 8am to 640pm. Tried my best to appear okay. Hah. At least the boredom helped me take my mind off stuff abit, weirdly enough. It's good to be busy at times. God's provision =)

How can I help someone when I can't even get my own life sorted out? You know what? I don't know either. All I can do at the moment is cling to the Lord. Cling for dear, dear life, and never let go.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelations 21:4

I cling to the promise. Desperation, was it not?

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